Stars for Trykes is a heartwarming, family-friendly talent show celebrating individuals with different abilities. This event will raise funds for Statesboro AMBUCS, a local non-profit dedicated to providing adaptive bikes (Amtrykes) to children and adults unable to ride traditional bikes. Participants will have a buddy to assist in showcasing their unique talents, with everyone coming together to create a fun, inclusive experience.
AMBUCS is a national 501c3 non profit community service organization that give Amtrykes at no costs to families through fundraising efforts. (Prices for trykes can range from $1,000 to $2,000.) With over 150 chapters, around 5,000 AMBUCS members, serving in more than 36 states.
Each chapter works with local therapists, who identify children that would benefit from an adaptive tryke and make sure those children are correctly and safely fitted to the best Amtryke for them. Many therapists become chapter members and many chapters are formed with therapists at the core.
This event is only made possible by our wonderful sponsors! If you’d like to join in on this great cause and list of individuals and business please reach out and inquire about one of our sponsorship levels.